Typographic Ornaments

I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of typographic ornaments today.

Here are a few from the public domain I found through Wiki Commons.

Ornament from The History of Addison's Flat Gold Fields (1923) by Dan Moloney, a pamphlet on the gold-rush settlement on the West Coast of New Zealand, printed by the Westport News.

Ornament tipogràfic de Batiste Moscatell, ó, La mona de Pascua (1862)

Ornament from the magazine Serões (1901)

Ornament from ''Le Masque,'' a Belgian magazine of art and literature (1910)

Ornament from the magazine Serões (1901)

Stilfrid and Brunswik Stilfrid and Brunswik (1879)

Horto (1910)

Bookmarking Compositor via University of Birmingham to browse through another day.