Our LEGO Era

Last month Davy leveled up from DUPLO to LEGO.

We were getting frustrated by the lack of “regular” 4 & 6 stud bricks in the new starter kit and Nathan found my childhood LEGO in the attic.*

One of the minifigs we found in my collection was this. It was immediately deemed “Link” and he proceeded to act out the many levels of Zelda in dungeon levels he created out of my old school bricks

The more I looked at this little guy I wondered if they ever made him in green.

After some detective work I found they did!

This series was called The Forestmen and there were several sets in the Castle series.

Ebay would have you believe these are super expensive, but a few years ago I learned about buying used LEGO pieces at Brick Owl (or Bricklink).

When you find the set or minifigure you want you can break down the inventory to see the individual pieces.

The shipping is usually $5-$6 and pieces range from a few cents to a few dollars. So I usually put together my own little bundle for less than a modern LEGO set.

Enter Link!

See the resemblance?

(He also has a little bow, but it didn’t make it into the photo.)

It’s all in the details. 🥰

* The plural of LEGO is LEGO which is something I learned watching The Toys That Made Us on Netflix.